Sunday, 11 May 2014

In business .....

Yesterday we set up "shop" in my space in The Emporium in Yeovil. 

I had help from Jonathan, who did the unloading and critique, and from Alexandra, my daughter, who helped put the wares out and cast her artistic eye over it and took photos for me (as I'd forgotten the camera).  Thank you both for supporting me.

So here are the photos

So, please, give me your opinions as to how it looks!
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Friday, 9 May 2014

Shop Window for my wares

I have some fantastic news!

There is this superb place in Yeovil called The Emporium.

It is a huge building that holds a fantastic range of surprises by lots of different talented people.  There is so much there - antiques, paintings, yarn, vintage clothing, vintage toys, ornaments, sweets, scarves, handmade gifts, old records, guitars, a beauty salon .... and so much more ... and of course I can't forget the delicious café that is situated on the second floor!

You really must pop in to have a browse - around every corner is a different treasure trove - and I have secured myself a little spot in there to sell my wares!  How exciting is that?!

So, officially, from Monday, I will have some of my handmade goodies on display - and even better is that my space includes a window!

I hope to get some pictures on here once I've got it all out on display.

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Saturday, 3 May 2014

Waking Irene up from hibernation


It appears that I have neglected my Goodnight Irene quilt-a-long for two months!

My excuse is that she needed a good sleep!

So today I thought I remedy the situation and get sewing some more and try to catch up.  The good news is that Irene is now having a bit of a growth spurt ...

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Friday, 2 May 2014

Maureen Cracknell Handmade: A Fabric Giveaway : :

Maureen Cracknell Handmade: A Fabric Giveaway : ::

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   * It's Fabric Giveaway Fri day! *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  

Go and check out this giveaway ... who wouldn't want to win this wonderful bundle of fabric?

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   * It's Fabric Giveaway Fri day! *   *   *   *   *   *   *   * 

First ever .... sock knitting ....!

I made a very airy-fairy list of things I wanted to do this year.  Airy-fairy in that I didn't really write them down - so actually in my (Gemini) way of thinking - if I didn't write it down - I wasn't committed - therefore if I didn't manage it - I hadn't failed!  I know, quite an obscure way of thinking - but that's me!

Anyway - setting up a blog was one of the them ... and that I have achieved as here I am blogging to the world at large with no idea who it is reaching and who is reading my ramblings!

The second to-do was to knit a pair of socks!  Aaaah!  Why did I feel the need to achieve this?  I really don't know!  There has just been something in the background of my crafty head saying that I needed to do this.  So, anyway, back in March I cast on!  I decided to go with one of my favourite forums on Ravelry and do the knit-along with them.  Two patterns had been chosen - an easy and a not-so-easy lacy pair.  Of course, my heart says way-hey lets go for the lacy ones and then my head says uh-oh ... you need to think about this sensibly and go for the pattern that you are more likely to achieve the first time round.

I do have this habit of either choosing something perhaps a little beyond my capabilities or - like the previous post - making two things at the same time! 

Anyway - this is my progess so far ....

I'm still working on sock number one.

I have, as always, been working on other projects as well.  So this isn't bad progress really for me.  I did have a little panic as I had one 100g skein of yarn and it seemed to be going down pretty rapidly.  So I had to find where it had come from (it has been part of a birthday swap I took part in last year from a lovely lady called Jenny in Colorado Springs) and then order another skein in.  It was purchased from an etsy shop called A Hundred Ravens (  A lovely 100% Merino wool called Iachos : Tardis - an apt shade for a Doctor Who fan like me!

So I have now definitely got enough yarn to finish both socks. 

I have also totally committed myself by having it down as a project on my Ravelry page!

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