Of course that also lends very nicely to pumpkin hats ...
The one above is a crochet one that I made up myself as I went along. I'd already made two knitted pumpkin hats (you can see one below) and I thought it must be fairly simple to crochet one too.
It has come up quite small - baby size - and is dead cute!
This one above is made from Stylecraft yarn - I love the softness of this yarn!
|I decided to make some mittens to match!
Aren't they sweet?!!
I then thought I'd try an adult hat.
I found a pattern which I thought looked quite pumpkin-like with the rib pattern going down regularly round the hat. I was undecided whether to add green at the top for the leaves and stalk. Eventually decided against it!
Here is my trusty model!
It fits his head nicely but also is a good fit for my adult sized head too.
It is nice and stretchy and slouchy too!
Doesn't he look cheeky?!
Finally decided to use the same yarn as the above hat (Rowan dk cotton)
to make some fingerless gloves.
This is such a pretty pattern.
It is from the book Simple Knitting by Ros Badger and they are called Fingerless Cotton Gloves (says what is does on the tin!)
I think they are rather pretty and Victorian looking.
So I have gone rather mad making lots of pumpkin coloured things and am now knitting myself a lovely pair of fingerless gloves in "my" shades - I'll show you soon!
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It fits him but also fits my head as it is lovely and stretch and slkslouchy.