I saw a photo recently (which I can't find now :-/) I loved - it was a piece of doweling wood with five or so strands of hanging beads to be hung out in the garden.
It inspired me and I really wanted to have a go.
Only I didn't have any doweling and didn't really want to go out and purchase some
(bad fibromyalgia a the moment and am trying to conserve energy and lessen pain).

So ... I thought I would just make single strands of beads with a bell and maybe a charm to add to it.

And then I re-discovered my letter beads and had a ah-hah moment ...
I could spell something out and link it to the charm perhaps.

I had so much fun playing with the letters and colours and wiring them all together.
And here they are hanging up outside. Aren't they pretty? And don't they add a bit of colour to those bare branches?

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